Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Quotes about lost love

YES! You can bring back your Love! No matter how stubborn the resistance, no matter how far this person may be from you, no matter how hopeless or difficult your situation appears!
This is for you if ...

>You are feeling broken hearted, lonely and despondent because of a relationship breakup, and you long for the return of a lost love or spouse ...

>Your spouse or lover has been having an extramarital affair, but you truly care for this person and are willing to do anything necessary to save your relationship ...

>You and your spouse or lover are fighting and quarreling almost everyday, and you want to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, and of blindness in this relationship ...

>You and your spouse are facing a potential divorce, but you truely love your spouse and want to save the marriage ...

>You are having a great relationship with your partner right now, but are fearful that one day your spouse or lover might betray you or leave you. Learn how to keep your lover or spouse by your side forever, without all the heartache, fear, and pain ...

>Your lover or spouse has suddenly lost Interest in you for no apparent reasons, and you cannot figure out the reasons; even the so-called professionals have no real answers for you...

>You want to learn a Simple "Four Step Strategy" which always works in bringing back a lost love, no matter what type of relationship you are involved in.

Dear Friend,
Are you into a very difficult relationship right now and are feeling that the whole world is crushing down on you?
You feel broken hearted, but want to save your relationship and bring back your lover and/or spouse.
Regardless of the distance between you, regardless of their hardened hearts, regardless of the barriers that keep you apart....
You can mend your broken heart and bring back your lover!

I know exactly what and how it's like...
The feelings of humans are universal. What you feel inside yourself – all the hurt, pain, anger, jealousy, depression, disappointment, melancholy – when you are in a failing relationship, is exactly the same as that experienced by someone else who has been in your shoes and goes through what you have gone through right now.
Years ago, the love of my life was involved in an extramarital affair, and he wanted a separation. So I had been ‘there’, gone through ‘it’, and lived through what I would call "a living hell".
I was full of anguish and disbelief when it happened. I couldn't believe my eyes and my ears. I must admit; I had been a good girlfriend to him for years; giving him the greatest care and love I could give. In fact, I almost gave him my everything!
When my relationship failed, I wanted to bring back my lover, as I felt deep in my heart that we should be together. But I did not know what went wrong and why things happened the way they did!
The heartache and pain I went through could literally tear me apart!
Well-meaning friends, family members and close associates of mine tried to counsel me, did everything they could to help me, even trrid to talk me out of having him back by my side.
I searched every books and treatises I could get a hold of, all of them were written by ‘experts’ and ‘professionals’ who claimed that they had the solutions to my problems and could help me get rid of my pain and heartache permanently.

It all ended in disappointment and more frustration...
• They did not answer my most pressing question – WHY? Why on earth is this happening to me? I had been a good lover all the time I had been with him. I could scream to Heaven and Earth for the answer and it did not come to me. This book has the answer to that question.
• They did not tell me how I could stop the separation or how to re-unite with my loved one. Instead, most encouraged me to go ahead with the separation. “You are not suited for each other.” “He/She is heartless. He/She is not worth your love.” “You just have to learn to let go.” Does all of this sound familiar?
• They did not tell me how to stop all that pain and hurt. You know what I mean if you have experienced it before. It really could tear you to pieces. “Go on a vacation.” “Be a volunteer, you will forget the pain when you are busy.” “It will pass. Time will heal it.” It never works. What I wanted was to get rid of the heartache, frsutration and pain - at that precise moment!
• They did not tell me how I could achieve a harmonious and fulfilling relationship, for as long as I wished and exactly as I wanted it. “Life is impermanent. Life is unpredictable.” ”People change, things change; you just have to accept it.” That is all they could say.

I would not have survived this crisis, if not for the discovery of a simple, yet amazingly powerful and effective 4-Step "strategy" which enabled me to heal my broken heart and bring back my love.
It took me 8 long months to learn what I should do and not do, what to say and not say, in a failing relationship.
But, this did not mean that I lost my freedom! I regained my freedom, and found all the answers I were seeking.
Find out how I overcame that heartache and pain, and read about the simple, easy-to-use 4 step strategy that I used to bring back my lover despite the fact that I had a difficult and tough relationship - having had to deal with a love rival hovering around myself and my lover like a shadow and a ghost.
Also, learn the means which I had discovered to attain more peace and happiness in my relationship more than ever before, and learn how you CAN do the same!
My Family Members and Friends Said I Was Crazy ..
But Let Me Tell You, They Were Impressed!
In 2002, I started to give away some of my own discoveries and free advice to those who needed it, and only via the net.
Many of my readers who approached me are young men and women - individual singles - and who are either just starting out on a relationship, or are already in a committed relationship for quite some time.
If you put my teachings and tactics into practice, get your lover back, but ultimately ditch them, it's not my fault.
This is enough fair warning for you if you decide to get my course and book.
I never have had the chance to meet with this anonymous writer, though I do know she uses my book and my course. Follow her advice, get this course and book, ONLY if YOU are ready to want a happy relationship.
She struck a cord in me. I realize that people who use my teachings and tactics are beginning to discover the time-less wisdom as transmitted to them in my course.
They do not have to depend on other people - friends, family members, or even therapists - to tell them what to do and how to solve their problems.
They learn how to solve almost all problems coming their way, each and every time, and if they have forgotten the teachings and the tactics, they know where and how to look for the solutions by going back to my course and book.

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